Monday, June 16, 2014

My 1995 Letter to Phyllis Schlafly

The following is taken the American Deception website. It is a letter from me to Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum dated 1995 (19 years ago!)         .

This 1995 letter from Iserbyt to Schlafly is regarding the history of school "choice" (vouchers, tuition tax credits, charter and contract schools, site-based management, etc.) and information regarding exactly who is supporting the change from traditional public and private education funding. Collusion between neoconservatives, corporations, and leftists in education, including former "conservative" Secretaries of Education and the NEA, enabled corporations to take control of American education for workforce training purposes. The shift to the unelected advisory council form of government was also discussed by the same persons.

Below is the first page of the text of this very lengthy letter that included many attachments. These attachments will explain to the average American what school choice is all about. Read the entire document at American You can use the search box on the main page to type in "Schlafly" and a new page will come up. You will want the entry that reads "Iserbyt to Schlafly-Anti-School Choice-1995-25pgs-EDU.sml.pdf." (This is not the actual link so don't copy and paste it into a browser.) This file may download to your computer as a pdf file. Click on "Download Now." This entry looks like this:
Letter from Iserbyt to Schlafly regarding history of School Choice (vouchers, tuition tax credits, charter and contract schools, site-based management) and information regarding exactly who is supporting the change from traditional public and private education funding. Collusion between neoconservatives, corporations, and leftists in education, including former "conservative" Secretaries of Education and NEA to enable corporations to take control of American education for workforce training purposes. Shift to unelected advisory council form of government also discussed by same persons.
Here are several other ways you might be able to access the page. Click HERE or HERE. or try this actual link:

The most recent admission by the neoconservative right regarding its agenda, using parent  opposition to Common Core to build a database to move forward with their publicly-funded school "choice" agenda, prompted me to once again make public this letter to Schlafly.

I never received a response to this letter.